The Sabah Dealer 'MISSING'

  • Creative Direction
  • Production

For the launch of The Sabah Dealer’s limited-edition Blue Leopard Sabah, the NYC-based shoe brand created a global guerilla campaign that lived off and online labelled “HAVE YOU SEEN THESE SABAHS?”

To launch The Sabah Dealer’s limited-edition Blue Leopard Sabah we created a guerilla campaign, posing the question ‘Have You Seen These Sabahs?’ to a global audience, inspiring a global search for the brand’s ‘MISSING’ Sabahs! We released this campaign two weeks prior to the shoe’s actual launch to build hype and anticipation.

We tapped our global network to print and plaster ‘MISSING’ posters around their city — from Tokyo to Paris to Cape Town, Seattle, New York City, Buenos Aires and more — staging a global call-to-action and documenting the entire process with photo and video. The campaign lived across The Sabah Dealer’s @thesabahdealer Instagram feed, stories and IGTV as well as email.

The two weeks of pre-promotion culminated in a blowout party at The Sabah Dealer’s New York City retail studio, where we ‘FOUND’ the missing Sabahs. The shoes sold out within a week.


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